Wednesday, November 23, 2011


I am tired of asking you how you are doing
and listening "not too bad"
I am tired of pretending I find you funny
and agree with your stupid thoughts
just because of this fucking job
I am tired of being treated as a dog
while you are on the computer
I am fed up with being fed up with my heart
when it tries to humanize you
I am tired of hearing you say that one should care about people
while you judge your loyal customers
I am tired of convincing myself that you are nice
and having an everyday proof of the opposite
I am negatively puzzled with your capacity to hurt people
and not to be aware of that
I am impressed with your lack of sensibility

"So what you like? I love coffee. Pff, the money is shit!"

You and these stupid people
You and these materialists
You and these moneyaddicteds
You and this false mask of apparently being good
You and this "you have to be pretty for the girls"
You and this deep hurting selfish laughter

I am tired of you pulling me down
and saying what's right through your narrow lens

Honestly, FUCK YOU!

1 comment:

  1. Olá Thomás!

    Gostei de te ler! E sim, estás mesmo enraivecido.:) Já falta pouco. Não tarda estás a conhecer a Europa e o pior já passou.

    Beijo grande,

    A Menina dos Óculos
